(Updated 5/16/10. Format to be publisher (in alphabetical order) and date, followed by essay's title.)
Boston Review: A Political and Literary Review, 1997: "Displacements" (with Juliana Chang, Walter K. Lew, Tan Lin and John Yau)
AT: http://bostonreview.net/BR22.3/Chang.html
MELUS, Spring 2004: "MAGANDA: Thoughts on Poetic Form"
AT: http://www.findarticles.com/
MORIA POETRY, Vol. 7, Issue 3 & 4, Winter and Spring 2005:
"An Ekphrasis: On the Path of the Shona to Sculpt The Masvikiru Quatrains"
AT: http://www.moriapoetry.com/tabiosth340.html
OurOwnVoice, October 2002: "Six Directions: Poetry As A Way of Life"
AT: http://www.oovrag.com/essays/essay2002c-1.shtml
OurOwnVoice, September 2005: "Portrait of an Artist: Gloria Rodriguez, Publisher"
AT: http://www.oovrag.com/portrait/portrait2005d-1.shtml
OurOwnVoice, May 2007: "List(ing) Poem: Towards the New Filipino Society"
AT: http://www.ourownvoice.com/essays/
OurOwnVoice, May 2007: "Jean Vengua Wins 'The Filamore Tabios, Sr. Memorial Poetry Prize'"
AT: http://ourownvoice.com/essays/
README #4, Spring/Summer 2001: "On Jose Garcia Villa"
AT: http://home.jps.net/~nada/villa.htm
TATTOO POETICS, Sept. 7, 2008: "Tattoo Poetics"
AT: http://tattoopoetics.wordpress.com/
X Poetics, May 14, 2010: "On the Children I Couldn't Bring Home"
AT: http://xpoetics.blogspot.com/2010/05/
Boston Review: A Political and Literary Review, 1997: "Displacements" (with Juliana Chang, Walter K. Lew, Tan Lin and John Yau)
AT: http://bostonreview.net/BR22.3/Chang.html
MELUS, Spring 2004: "MAGANDA: Thoughts on Poetic Form"
AT: http://www.findarticles.com/
MORIA POETRY, Vol. 7, Issue 3 & 4, Winter and Spring 2005:
"An Ekphrasis: On the Path of the Shona to Sculpt The Masvikiru Quatrains"
AT: http://www.moriapoetry.com/tabiosth340.html
OurOwnVoice, October 2002: "Six Directions: Poetry As A Way of Life"
AT: http://www.oovrag.com/essays/essay2002c-1.shtml
OurOwnVoice, September 2005: "Portrait of an Artist: Gloria Rodriguez, Publisher"
AT: http://www.oovrag.com/portrait/portrait2005d-1.shtml
OurOwnVoice, May 2007: "List(ing) Poem: Towards the New Filipino Society"
AT: http://www.ourownvoice.com/essays/
OurOwnVoice, May 2007: "Jean Vengua Wins 'The Filamore Tabios, Sr. Memorial Poetry Prize'"
AT: http://ourownvoice.com/essays/
README #4, Spring/Summer 2001: "On Jose Garcia Villa"
AT: http://home.jps.net/~nada/villa.htm
TATTOO POETICS, Sept. 7, 2008: "Tattoo Poetics"
AT: http://tattoopoetics.wordpress.com/
X Poetics, May 14, 2010: "On the Children I Couldn't Bring Home"
AT: http://xpoetics.blogspot.com/2010/05/